
Room -1A

Ecological footprint

Since more than 1.5 million years human kind has been leaving its footprint in Europe, in a constantly changing environment. Today we can barely imagine that reindeers and mammoths migrated through our area or that people once lived without electricity, bathrooms and cars. In this room you will discover the refined ideas people used to survive anyway.

Room -1B

Do you believe it?

From the very beginning of their existence, human beings try to find an answer to the question about the meaning of life and life after death. The exhibition in this room provides information about the development of spirituality by grave goods and sacrificial offerings of the Stone Age to Roman antiquity and further, by ritual objects and art works from the nearly two thousand years old religious history of our region. To conclude, testimony from various religious communities that are nowadays represented in Diekirch are shown.

Room 0


What shapes and characterizes us today? Is it the geographical or political unity, the language, the past? In this room, we are witnessing the development of our society throughout reports. Various audio samples and objects tell their own story and help us to understand the cluster of today’s society by exploring the often forgotten history of our ancestors: from the origins of human kind, life in Antiquity, the feudal society in medieval and modern times to the modern industrial world.

Room 1

Dwelling and living

Humans, as social beings gathering in familial bonds, settle in places that offer them the necessary resources to survive. Thus, it is not a coincidence that the first settlements can be mostly found along rivers and streams. Here in the laboratory you can slip into the researcher’s part and evaluate various evidence found during recent excavations in Diekirch to hence reconstruct the history of colonization from Prehistory to the Middle Ages.

Room 2

Urban development

By the end of the 15th century, Diekirch slowly transforms into a city. The ingenuity of its citizens, the changes in social structures, repeated wars and a marked industrialization since the second half of the 19th century have changed the city’s appearance continuously. On the landscape model of Diekirch, you can follow the ongoing process of urbanization, discover the substance from an often forgotten past that is still preserved and what treasures should be conserved for future generations.